Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy Sunday!

These are the English muffin pizzas I made Wednesday night that I forgot to eat. I didn't even realize it until Thursday at lunch. While they were baking, I had eaten some chips and salsa, and so I wasn't super hungry when they came out. I figured I'd eat them later on, but I forgot all about it. Luckily, Pacino doesn't eat anything other than his food, so they were still sitting on the counter when I got home late Thursday night. Whoops. I'm pretty bummed, because they looked delicious!

We are making a turkey that has handprint feathers that tell what we're thankful for. This kid is thankful for me (Miss Cowhon) and Miss Smith and for one of his friends. This is sucking up at it's finest. 

Of course, about the time I had to leave yesterday, Pacino sat down on my lap. This happens about once a week. 

Made this yummy breakfast sandwich this morning. Not being able to sleep in on Sunday mornings has its advantages: I made breakfast, put away laundry, cleaned the mirror and windows, and blogged! Whew!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Food, Tools, Crafts & Milk

I bought this new mail organizer/chalkboard thing. I'm loving it. Pacino was slightly confused, and of course tried to take it down. He hasn't succeeded thus far. I also hung up the wreath on the door. I spray painted it white and put a red C in the middle.

This stuff is strangely awesome. 

The janitor left this for me on my chair the other day. This isn't very safe.

This is pretty much the best lunch possible--olive cheese bread and spicy mac 'n' cheese.

The new Wednesday 'normal'--Cyclone basketball on the computer, Criminal Minds on the TV and a fire in the fireplace.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Very Random Posting

I went to see our high school play, "12 Angry Jurors" last Sunday. They all did a great job! 

Monday was our Veteran's Day assembly. This is always our biggest assembly of the year. Around 40 vets came in to join us. 

Pacino used to love reading, but he's gotten a bit behind lately. At least the latest Ellen Hopkins book is a great choice!

My new selfie to show off my new scarf. Annnnd scarves are on sale at Target, which is next on my agenda today. Watch out!

I'm obsessed with making chocolate chip pancakes on Saturday mornings right now. Yum.

Olive cheese bread via Pioneer Woman is truly life changing. I could've eaten this whole thing...but I shared with friends, instead. 

And, since I was feeling extra productive, (and hungry), I whipped up these baked pickles and baked olives. Nothing compares to a fried pickle, but they are still delicious. And olives covered in butter and cheese could never be bad.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Adventure Sunday, Musical Wednesday, Thursday Treats (On Saturday)

Watched the CMA awards Wednesday night, which put me into a musical mood. Played a little bit during commercials. I would give up most things in my life if I could just be a singer. 

This is an old picture that I possibly posted already, but he just cracks me up.

Last Sunday I got Starbucks before going to school. I then spilled about 3/4 of it on the floor behind my desk. Naturally, then, I dumped a glass of water on top of this and then used paper towels to soak it all up. I was annoyed about the coffee, but this is new carpet! Luckily it didn't stain.

So, I had to go to school last Sunday because Delaney had a flat tire and she needed a lift to a National Honor Society event. Afterward, her and I changed her flat out for the spare and I drove it over to Sears. I can now say that I've changed a flat tire. And we didn't even have to use YouTube.

Pacino dug out this little winter beanie baby bear. I'm not sure where he found it, sometimes its best not to know. But he LOVES chasing this thing around and playing fetch with it. And, as with all the other toys he loves, he either puts it in his food dish or in the water in the sink. He's very strange.

We had our first basketball games on Thursday. 7th grade lost by 4 in what was a very intense, back and forth game. 8th grade won by 3!

Thursday night after the games, Sellers drug me, kicking and screaming of course, to eat pretzel bites at the mall and cookie dough at Coffesmith's. For some reason, we felt like we needed to sit on a bench by the fountain instead of in the food court. There was some good people watching at least!

Saturday, we took 4 kids to Linn-Mar to watch a robotics competition. We got some good ideas and scoped out the competition. Our first competition is December 14!

Do you spot my new "decor?"

I was in the coat closet, P jumped up onto my shoulder, then up onto the closet door, then up there. Getting down was quite interesting. I brought out the ladder from him, but he wasn't in to that. He kept creeping his paws down dangerously close to my teapot, so I quick climbed up the coach to keep him from jumping on the shelf. Well, that spooked him, so he jumped from the top, to the shelf, to my shoulder to the ground in under a second. Never a dull moment.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Early Sunday Morning

Because of daylight savings time, I was up by 6am this morning. So, I thought I'd blog.

I should've never trusted a coffee creamer that has a jalepeƱo on it. This stuff is spicy and a little bit strange. Won't be buying it again.

My school picture from this year. This was my sickest day and the lady had to coerce me into smiling. It didn't out nearly as bad as I thought. 

I'm a little bit obsessed with chocolate chip pancakes. 

I'm not sure if it's because we were talking about Chex mix earlier this week, or if it's because Halloween reminds me of Chex mix, but I couldn't resist any longer. I whipped up a batch yesterday to eat while watching the Cyclones get pummeled again. And, Pepsi in a glass bottle is one of the better things on earth.

Pacino got sick of watching the game, so he curled up in my lap. I seriously think he sat on my lap for at least 3 straight hours. Then I had to get up, because I realized how ridiculous it was that I was sitting in one place that long!

But not before I made him watch some funny cat videos on YouTube. At least, I think he was watching. His eyes could've been shut, for all I know.