Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday Musings

I was going to run 3 miles yesterday...then I ate BBQ instead. Whoops! I blame the thunderstorms!

Here we have a nice looking mini pepper plant.

My mint.

Cherry tomatoes!

Stopped tonight and got a Fruitzen frozen ice since I ran, we walked, and played volleyball. We deserved it! Plus the owner is ridiculously nice and gave us one after hours! 

I worked late tonight so I thought I deserved these Starbursts.

My feet are always so terrible after volleyball.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Two Days

Two days of blogging in a row?! Whoa!

Went plant shopping last night. I got a little cherry tomato plant and a petite pepper plant that is supposed to grow mini orange peppers...I think. Hopefully they both grow up and produce! This is the mess on the driveway at Katie's last night as we both potted our plants. I forgot to get a picture tonight before it got dark, so I'll do that tomorrow.

The elementary track meet was tonight. It was fun to watch the kids compete!

This is one of my weird food habits, but I forgot how much I love it. Pasta, turkey pepperoni, olives, parmesan cheese and crushed red pepper. Yum!

Sunday, May 18, 2014


It's been awhile, here, blog. Life is so, so busy trying to wrap up the school year & get things planned/ordered for next year. It is a whirlwind and I feel like I'm floating all around!

Here are a few pictures from this weekend, but I truly have no other pictures from the week, except for school pictures...which will hopefully be on my school blog soon.

My grad party selfie with my new scarf I bought myself!

Playing around a graduation party. The high schooler pointed at us and said, "Those are my teachers." We had a lot of fun!

Pictures with some of my favorite juniors & seniors. I'm gonna miss these girls!

With sparkles on our faces!

A couple of pictures at graduation. I'm going to miss these ladies too!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lots of Nothing

Pacino figured out how to turn on the fireplace the other night. Yikes. He did it again tonight, so I turned off the pilot light so that he can't do that sometime when I'm not home...

I bought these cute little jars today at the Farmer's Daughter's Market. They are super cute! They're on this shelf for now, but might soon be finding a new home...

How cute is this?

Then, he got tired.

Finally, he laid down.

Much cuter than when he dumped my tea on the carpet last weekend. That's why I can't have unsealed drinks in the house...

It was 80 degrees this evening, and just perfect out, so I went for a run. Logged 3.5 miles, and then sat down back at home...left a nice butt print. :)

I also wanted to show off my new shoes that make running less terrible.

He also has learned how to meow in the tub until I turn the water on. Then, he plugs the drain. I think he's smart enough to train to use the toilet. Maybe that can be a summer project...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Weekend Fun

It was Kentucky Derby weekend, which means I had to drink Mint Juleps to celebrate! These drinks should be more popular year-round, I think.

Later, I tweeted to a particular hashtag on Twitter & won free season tickets to the Uptown Friday Night concerts at the new amphitheater downtown.

I got a little crazy on Saturday & decided to clean out my closet. That's what happens when I wake up before 6am on a Saturday. 

I took all these bags of clothes/towels to Goodwill after my closet cleaning. It felt pretty good to get rid of all this stuff!

As if that wasn't enough, I took apart my dryer and deep cleaned the lint trap. I was really on a roll. 

Pacino was VERY tired after my day of cleaning, because he never sits still if I'm up and about. I plopped him down in my lap and he sat with all 4 of his legs sticking straight out for about 5 minutes. It was so funny.

It was less funny on Sunday afternoon when I was trying to look up something on the computer and he wouldn't stop laying on it. I eventually had to get my iPad out and work on there because he wouldn't move. 

We went to Chalk the Walk in Mount Vernon for a little bit on Sunday afternoon. It was a lot bigger this year and there were some very talented artists there. I love the horse and The Giving Tree designs. There were so many good ones!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Last Weekend

Ben & I played a lot of dominoes and some iPad Monopoly while chaperoning the robotics field trip last weekend. 

This wet floor sign in the parking lot was quite humorous to me.

I don't think I'd seen this statue of Johnny Orr yet.

The sumo-bots was more fun that I thought it would be! Plus, there was free food/drinks and lots of good people watching :)

Hilton Colosseum is one of my favorite places of all time. 

More robots.

On Sunday, we had just gotten to the mall when they started closing all of the stores and sending people to the basement. Here's how we feel about it...