Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Snowy Day Swag & Bling

First, I found these in the mail:

Sweet! Then I went out to lunch, and after lunch, got some bling in my face:

I've been meaning to redo my nose piercing for about a year, and a snow day gave me the opportunity. I love it, however it is a big bigger than my last one. The nice piercer man said I can put a smaller one in in a month. And not to touch it...haha, we'll see how that works out. Didn't really hurt as bad as last time, and he made a new hole completely. I did make the mistake of opening my eyes and seeing the needle sticking through there, though. Whoops. I love it. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Kitten Troubles

It's a good thing he's so cute.

Pacino was climbing around on the end table last night, when he dumped my tea, tipped over the lamp and shattered the bulb. Then, as I was in the closet looking for new bulbs, he sneaked up behind me and stood there, and I stepped on his paw when I went to turn around. Guess we're even.

I love watching him watch the snow! I need to bring some in for him to explore.

Unhappy Basketball Day

This was written in my bathroom stall at Wells Fargo...

Watched Colo-Nesco play. Didn't win...

Quick wardrobe change, and ready to cheer on the Cyclones from my couch....

Pacino was learning about Hilton Magic.

I can't talk about the game, because I've finally calmed down a little. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Klein had a black/white themed housewarming/birthday party awhile back. Here are two great pictures from the night!

Busiest Week Ever!

This week in February is always one of the busiest for me: conferences, book fair and state robotics. I worked about 72 hours this week. Here are a few snapshots from the week:

Courtney & I--coolest robotics coaches I know...

One of my new favorites! 

Played with this with my cousin last weekend...pretty sure I enjoyed it more. But she actually didn't run away from me crying, so that was a big deal for us.

Nothing beats a bowl of Cheerios...

Got this new decor, along with a few other things I didn't take pictures of yet...

Super cool piggy bank--it's a chalkboard!

Hosted a robotics night on Tuesday. Amazed students and staff with my robot--and the kids showed off theirs too.

An extra carnation from National Honor vase, so empty pop can had to do.

Book fair this week--always a busy/fun/crazy time.

My mustache for Friday.

My mood mustache for Saturday--this was the angry mustache. Haha. 

Robotics was packed! We ended up getting 19th place in our division, wrapping up a great season!

This guy has been very neglected this week. Spending some quality time together today.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Jelly Beans

A great thing about Easter...jelly beans! I'm not really a jelly bean person, except when it comes to Sweet Tart or Starburst jelly beans...only available around Easter!

And notice my cute owl mug given to me by a friend! Love it! :)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Facebook Status

My Facebook status sums up my day:

Now, back in CR with a long week ahead of me!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Unorganized Fun

I love it when fun happens when I'm not looking for it!

Myself and 4 friends from work went up to watch our boys play their district basketball game. We went through Strawberry Point to get there. One of the girls told us about this supposedly haunted hotel there, so naturally, we had to stop. We thought it was a coffeeshop, with a hotel upstairs, but it turns out it was a restaurant/bar with the hotel upstairs. And, it just so happened it was karaoke night. What are the odds? So we stuck around a sang a few songs, then snuck upstairs to scope out the hotel.

The guy sitting next to me at the bar explained that the hotel is haunted by someone who was mad that people moved her favorite mirror after she died. Supposedly there were fingerprints and a ghost sighted. It was a slightly creepy place, very old and very "Shining"ish.

And here's my V-Day loot from the kiddies. Yum!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The tea cupboard at my house...always full.

Baked olives-- dangerously easy to make means I make them too often!

And coffee. Oh, coffee. In August, I began brewing 6-8 cups of coffee each day and drinking the majority of it throughout the morning. Recently, I decided that drinking so much coffee is not good for my anxiety levels or blood pressure or general health. So, the goal is to not drink so much coffee everyday. 

Turns out, I'm out of coffee grounds at work, so that makes that easy--no coffee on Monday or Tuesday. Come Tuesday night at 9:30pm, my head hurt so bad that I had to go to bed. I could hardly turn my neck. Wednesday morning, head still hurting. Was going to to stop at Coffeesmith's on my way to work, because that would give me a limited supply of coffee. However, I was running late (the one day I don't remote start my car is the one day in the past week there's been frost...) and there was a 4 car line at the drive through. I almost turned around on the way to work and went back home because my head hurt so bad I thought I was going to throw up. But, I decided to be strong, and made it to work, just to realize the coffee grounds haven't magically replaced themselves. So, to the pop machine I go, like the addict I am, to get a Mt. Dew. This didn't really help, and by lunch time I couldn't move my head again. Luckily, a friend gave me some Advil and I survived the day. Luckily, I had agreed to meet a friend after work at Coffeesmith's, where I had to get some coffee--only 12oz, which I usually get 20. My head is still hurting a bit, but hopefully that will only last another day or so...or else, I'm giving in and going back to my 8 cups. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Took my recycling in today...anyone that knows me should know how big of a deal that is. It only happens about twice a year. And that might be an exaggeration. I had this large, large Kohl's sack full of cans. My kitchen looks much cleaner now, too! I'm not quite sure why I can't find the motivation for recycling...but I can't. And, the saddest part is, I took the cans to Wal*Mart, set them inside the can place and left them for the person who has the patience to feed them into those machines and get $2.65 for them. I am not that person. While I feel somewhat guilty about this, I feel less guilty than throwing away the cans. So, we're even.

And look at how cute this guy is. Couldn't resist.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


The past two days have seemed like the longest days ever. Very busy!

These two songs came on my Pandora channel this morning. Perfect start to the day.

   I bought this super awesome clipboard portfolio at Target tonight. I'm pretty pumped to carry it everywhere at work. I modeled carrying it through Target, and I was told that it looked very sharp--watch out CC hallways.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Busy Week

Its amazing to me how a non-busy week fills up so quickly! Here are a few photos from the past few days:

Pacino came up to me one day with this feather static-clung on his back. That cracked me up!

Ate these lovely cheesy bacon fries at Field House.

The way he lays cracks me up.

Made, and ate, some Chex mix.

Ate at Orange Leaf (twice).

Drove on less-than-stellar roads.

Learned about Titanic with Pacino.

Bought some snails who ate this funny pattern into the scum on the tank. Happiest snails ever.

Played robots with Pacino. Yes, I put the feather in there to wave around.

Cutest guy ever.

Our new family photo--in which Pacino's back claws poked a hole into my brand new shirt.

He was very sleepy from me being around so much.

It was cold. You probably knew that already. Real feel of -23 though, brr.

More less-than-stellar roads. Thankful for 2 hour delays!