Sunday, August 6, 2017

July is for Being Outside

Apparently I spent a lot of time outside in July. Here are those pictures plus some other random ones!

Maxine loves her popcorn.

Found this super cute table at a place in Ankeny called Tweedle Dee's. A guy from Bondurant makes them for her--super cool!

The peach tree is almost falling down because there are so many peaches!

Pacino and I are exhausted from packing boxes...

Took a little bike ride through Marion the other day. I love this trail!

The fam at the family reunion.

These pictures are in backwards order...I was trying to take a picture of me eating the strawberry! I had to get help to make it work.

This is a freshwater spring. The water was chilly but very clear. Could see everything! Even the water bubbling up from the spring.

This is the backbone trail at Backbone State Park. Not really as much climbing as it looks, but gotta pay attention! 

The trout stream was very cool. Crystal clear water that you could see the bottom and all the fish!

We did go in to a verrrrry little cave. By in, I mean two steps.

Drove through the trout stream on the way in, similar to Ledges State Park.

Played in a madhatter Volley's tournament. Thinking I was probably top 5 before the last games. Ended up in 16th, which was enough to win back the $10 I paid to play!

Spent an afternoon laying at the beach. I didn't get to the ocean this summer, so this was the best I could do...

I think this bridge is super cool! It's at Palisade's Kepler State Park. 

We spent the morning hiking around.

Celebrating a birthday! Murder-mystery style.

An afternoon in a kayak is always good. Minus the wind...

My condo is SOLD!

I could see almosssttt this whole entire rainbow. 

These are pictures from Palisades, too, but from a different day. 

Poor Pacino got very, very tired of being in here during house showings. 

I also finally got him a cushion for his table/bed...but he prefers the chaise instead. Big surprise!