Sunday, January 22, 2017

Winter Time

It seems like winter time is a bit boring and mostly focused on work since it's hard to get out to do much. Here's some non-work photos. Check out my work blog here!

Mom & dad came out and we went to Orange Leaf. Dad also bought that new hat!

I bought this new chaise lounge. Well, used chaise lounge. We had to drive home with the hatch open to get it to my place. Thankfully it wasn't a far trip!

Do you spy Pacino? I'm shocked he hasn't broken the tv.

We went to Tama to play Bingo, but unfortunately the trolls didn't bring us any luck. We all came close, but no winnings. 

I got bored one night and built these shelves! I think the hardest part was picking out the supplies from Menards.

I also now own this tiny little level. And the shelves are even (mostly) level!

Here's the picture and instructions I based it off of. Only change is that my top two shelves don't touch in the corner, since I bought precut boards instead of cutting my own.

I also found this little end table in Czech Village for a whooping $5. That's a steal! Can't wait to redo it this spring when the weather is a bit nicer.

A New Year's Eve shopping day in Cantrill, Iowa. And probably the best picture we've ever taken!

My poor car. Thankfully she's fixed now.