Tuesday, May 9, 2017


How cute is he?!

This is why I should never stencil anything. I can't figure out how to do it without making a huge mess!

So, I painted it again by hand, and got it to look okay.

In the middle, before the stencil! 

Before...my $5 find! 

Its bonfire season!

And, smore season! Unless you're with a 5 year old, then it's "snore" season.

I bought this desk in Mt Vernon. I was hoping for something functional, but now I'm worried about using it, since a few experts think it's from the late 1800's. Here's hoping its worth a lot of money!

We went to Mt Vernon for Chalk the Walk--I love this event!



Red peppers!

Mint! Hopefully something grows!

Pork & pineapple stir fry in lettuce cups with pepper jack cheese. Yum!

It's hard to stay mad at him...

I've realized that I'm old now, and I need coffee all throughout the day to keep functioning. I drank this one at 5pm.

Birthday fun in Kalona!

He loves sitting in here & hiding.