Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Nothing Exciting...

Well, I got a new phone tonight and these are the couple photos I've taken so far. I thought I took a couple other photos today, but they're long gone now!

A yummy quesadilla after a quick workout. The ISU game wasn't on at the gym since American Idol was I ran a quick 25 minute run and then ran out the door back home!

As I was eating, I looked down at Pacino--he was all crazy about my new(est) shirt! Don't worry, I bought it back in December. I snatched that right back up. Crazy cat.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Random Monday Photos

Here are a few random pictures. I swear I'm going to try to update more regularly! Even if it's just boring stuff.

This is from Brian's birthday party a couple weekends ago. We accidentally all wore stripes!

Pacino is so cuddly...sometimes.

Yes, I workout in zebra socks on occasion. I saw some really, really cute socks at Target the other night...but as part of my New Years resolution to not buy any clothes until my birthday, I didn't buy them. I also found the cutest shirt at Old Navy. Is it April 18th yet?

I did buy myself this wild, expensive pair of running shoes. Every time I've run lately, my feet hurt so bad afterward. I had my previous shoes for over a year, so I decided it was time. These puppies better last a long while! They were awesome while running tonight, so we're off to a good start.

As if I need any more bad habits: Buffalo Wild Wings is back in contention. We stopped in for some wings after curling. Yikes!

Sunday, February 23, 2014


So, because my New Year's resolution is to be less boring, I've been trying to look for fun. At the winter parade back in December I got a flier about the Cedar Rapids Curling Club, and I thought it sounded interesting, but didn't think too much about it. Well, somehow I stumbled across their website and found out that they were going to have some open houses. Of course, I invited all my friends, and because I have the best friends, they of course agreed to going. And, everyone actually really liked it!

Here's a group shot that we took at the very end. Smiles all around!

We rotated around to different stations where someone taught us what to do. This station we practiced taking off from the hack--the rubber things that are like starting blocks in track. 

Denise & I were sweeping towards the end. I did fall once doing the sweeping...a pretty big spill. It was hilarious. Running on ice is not easy!

Taking off....see that dark line about ten yards up? That's the line where the pros release from, and you would shoot all the way to where the people are standing on the other side. Not easy!

Some of my favorite girls!

The stones weigh around 40 pounds! That black thing there is what you hook onto the bottom of your shoe. It is made of teflon & helps you slide across the ice. I was wondering when I watched the Olympics why the thrower had one black shoe & one white--now I know!

My form after pushing the stone.

Action shot! This requires a lot of balance.

Denise and I are down there sweeping the stone that Sheryl threw. 

And here's a video of me throwing, and Corey & Denise are sweeping. I didn't get it quite all the way down there, but we ran out of time and I didn't get to try again. Hopefully someday!

Overall, curling was a major success. I would love to do it again! We might start practicing for the 2018 Olympics in South Korea. USA!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day

Here's a quick recap of how I spent my Valentine's Day. It was a great start to the weekend!

Some 6th grade girls made homemade fortune cookies. I thought they tasted better than the ones you get at a Chinese restaurant

And here was my fortune. Good advice from a 6th grader.

Here's my whole pile of loot, minus one mini-cupcake. Don't worry, I gave most of it away.

Friday night, we ventured over to Tama to play BINGO. Now, when I play BINGO it's usually at the sweet corn festival with 2 cards that have sliders. This was nothing like that. This was stressful it was so intense. We started out playing 12 cards, but ended up getting 6 more since we were wearing red. So we were trying to mare 18 cards at once! 

These little special games were easier because there were less cards. Jennifer took over marking mine for a minute while I went to the bathroom. There was no messing around here! 

I got so frazzled, that after one of the games I put the green lid on the pink marker!

Thankfully there was a 20 minute intermission to get some food.

There was an older couple at our table, and they thought we were just hilarious. The lady knew I was struggling, so she kept leaning over and marking my card. She was only marking 6 and had gotten the others on the computer--very smart! We were practically best friends by the time we left.

Here we are after the last round. We started trading markers after each ball for the last one. 

Then we went and played $20 on slots. I won! 

And, lastly, my virtual phone assistant very kindly offered to be my Valentine. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Skiing = Falling Down

I don't think I'll need to go skiing again anytime soon. I probably went down the mountain 12-15 times and fell down on all but 4 of them. I did a lot of praying and a lot of swearing on my last run. One of my skis fell off and hit my other leg in the shin. Left a little bruise and bump. Nothing broken though, so a fun night overall.

Here is a group shot after skiing all night!

This girl kept encouraging me to "stay calm" and not fall over. It didn't work very often.

Even the Wii thinks I'm a bad skier. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Busy Being Not-Busy

So, I haven't really been all that busy this week, but somehow I've managed to distract myself...probably by doing too many of those online quizzes. Also, having to run all around town in a snow storm trying to get my debit card back so I could get gas...that's too long of a story for here...

Here are a few very random pictures from this week:

Pacino is always so snuggly right when I get home. That's about the only time!

The sky was quite pretty this afternoon. Which was nice after a stressful day at work!

Trying to find the best ways to stay warm while skiing tomorrow night. I'm a little nervous, as I haven't been skiing since freshman year of high school. BUT, my New Year's Resolution is to be less boring, so I'm going skiing. 

My mother says that eating cherries before bed helps you sleep better. And the internet said the same thing, so I'm giving it a try tonight. 

We are studying the Olympics at school, and this is the sport I'm most excited about--curling! I've got a group of friends going with me to learn how to do it in a couple of weeks at the CR Ice Arena! I'm pretty excited about that!

Monday, February 3, 2014


The last 5 days has been very busy. Each day seems like about a week! Here are a few various pictures from that whirlwind:

Zimbo has all these quizzes out to take, and I've been having fun taking them and discussing with friends.

Went and watched part of our middle school boys basketball game last Thursday night.

Got ran into by a robot.

Ate some Orange Leaf...lots of fruit, little chocolate. 

A robotics day wouldn't be complete without lots of caffeine.

These Monster energy drinks are tasty. And, only 25 calories and 7 grams of sugar. A handy replacement for soda. Yum!

Robotics event was in Ottumwa on Saturday. We braved the snow and had a fun day. One of the teams ended up in the semi-finals, which was exciting, but neither team qualified for state.

Pacino and I watched a bit of the Kitten Bowl on tv before the Super Bowl.

More kitten bowl...

And a bit of the puppy bowl...

My Super Bowl snack contribution--vegetables! The dip is made with greek yogurt, and a few spices. 

Not much in the world is better than a taco salad.

Bought this new piano book!