Friday, June 28, 2013

P Post

Started my vacation early with the day off. Sleep in until 10 and found this:

I don't usually keep the camera on my bedroom floor. My point here is, if Pacino can drag that from the living room (I think I left it on the couch) then he can surely be responsible for losing my checkbook last week. I'm interested to see what all gets "rearranged" while I'm gone.

He was laying in the fridge this morning. As soon as I went to take a picture he came running out. That also happened when I tried to photograph him in the dryer earlier.

Between the Cartwheel app, my REDCard and a $5 off coupon from a friend, I saved $17.71 at Target today!

Pacino was a little sleepy.

Made some chocolate chip pancakes for supper. Yum.

The current state of my house: P is resting, I am reading...what a wild Friday night for us!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thursday Night at the Park

Sat behind the plate. When we got there, the Kernels had 2 on, no outs & quickly loaded up the bases. They won 9-0. 

Mr. Shucks is quite possibly my 2nd favorite mascot ever. He wouldn't come talk to me because there were no cute children around, but I'll get him sometime this summer.

Bought this new hat to wear to the beach next week in New Jersey! Tested it out at the game tonight.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I went into work today (late) because a storm woke me up in the middle of the night. But I only ended up working for a couple of hours before going to help sandbag around Central City. The water is starting to come up, and they aren't able to estimate the crest for Central City. We'll see what tomorrow & Friday bring!

Since I came up to toss around books, not sandbags, I had worn flip flops. Luckily I keep these stylish rain boots in my car.

That garden in the background was under water by the time we left, about 3 hours later.

I'm sure the playground is under by now. It was just underwater a few weeks ago. The rain can stop any time!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Grahlman Wedding & Such

Me & Miller at the wedding.

The four of us doing a photo shoot in the hotel lobby.

Me 'n' Lindsay!

With the bride & some props.

Roomies for the night :)

Went to see Monsters University on Sunday. Can't wait to see it again. I seriously loved it.

Baby Mike Wazowski!

There is a mean, nasty librarian in it--cracked me up.

Pacino was wiped out.

Speaking of wiped out, I was accidentally driving in a tornado warning. Luckily for me, the tornado was about 25 miles away.

All curled up.

Played some tennis under the lights tonight--hadn't done that since college!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Maquoketa Caves

Maquoketa Caves, a set on Flickr.
We had fun on Sunday morning after staying in Maquoketa for a wedding. We didn't have the right shoes, or any water (just coffee), but we had an awesome time!

If you click on the pictures, they will take you to an online album where you can see all 87 pictures--enjoy!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer is Funner

Been enjoying some summer activities the last couple of days. Played tennis twice, plus hit some golf balls today.

Enjoyed this pizza while watching game 7 of the NBA finals last night. Delish.

Got a little stormy today.

Finally figured out how to make mint tea and have it taste like mint. The secret--add MORE mint. I put in 30 leaves for a 2 quart pitcher. I muddled them first, too, with some raw sugar. Yum.

Hit two buckets of balls between Miller & I. Being only the 2nd time I've ever hit golf balls, I thought I did fairly well. I'd say about 85% went probably 150 yards. Huge improvement from the last time I went and I couldn't even hit the ball.

I'm guessing that wearing the plaid shorts improved my game quite a bit.

And a yummy dinner at Noodles to top off the night. 

Here's the 24th take of my golf swing. You can't see the ball, but it went far, trust me.