Saturday, October 15, 2016

Oh Boy

Three weeks behind, again. My school blog was three weeks behind too...yikes! Here are a few of my favorites:

This is my table, as of two days ago. Yesterday, I painted red over the white patches in the middle. I wasn't brave enough to go look at it tonight. The antique glaze actually looks pretty good, but I didn't like how patchy it looked.

Pacino carried a handful of litter into the tub.

And threw up.

And uprooted a plant. Not sure which order he did it in, though.

I ate lunch next to Abe Lincoln at the library conference in Dubuque on Thursday. Weird things happen at librarian conferences, obviously.

I love the riverwalk in Dubuque. So pretty.

Miranda and I during the keynote speaker. He told everyone to take a selfie!

On Sunday night in Des Moines, I ended up playing on stage with The Nadas. I sang Sugarland, of course. 

Me and Pernille Ripp. She's an amazing teacher!

Us librarians managed to have some fun on Monday night!

And Monday during the break at the conference!

Zombie Burger Monday night!

These lovely coworkers came in and sat right behind me at a session!

Again, on stage.

And again....we also ended up playing a trash can drumline, too. I'lll dig that video up the next time.

Prairie staff plus The Nadas.

A day of junking!

Went to see Sister Act at Theatre Cedar Rapids....not my favorite show I've seen there, but the others ones I've seen set the bar really high. 

National Taco Day! I made a taco potato.

I got new glasses. And new sunglasses. I have a problem.

This coffee creamer solves all problems.

Some flood pictures from Edgewood and Ellis.

Filling sandbags!