Sunday, August 24, 2014


As you can imagine, I've been a LITTLE busy with school this week. I'm sure things won't slow down for a few more weeks, but we'll get there eventually.

Here is my school blog, where I've posted pictures of what the library looks like currently. Still lots of work to go, but we're functional at least.

These flowers & this giant good luck card showed up on the first day of school from my friends in Central City. I love it!

Katie & Miller have been over helping me make name tags for students...Pacino is in string heaven.

He also likes to lay on the lamination. As you can see, he isn't much help, but he is so cute.

And here he is trying to get comfortable on the keyboard. Mostly, I think he just wanted to be close to Miller...she doesn't care for him much!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Some School Updates & Other Fun

If he lays on my paperwork, its not really my fault I didn't get it done...

Our last Wednesday night Fruitzen of the summer!

I finally had my favorite meal of the summer the other night! And, I'm going to have it again tomorrow for lunch & dinner. And maybe even breakfast.

He's too handsome not to share.

I've been eating out for every lunch, because there are no refrigerators in my building yet. I even went to the Tic Toc, which is about as classic CR as it gets. I hadn't ever been there before! Talk about a dive bar :)

I ran fresh out of coffee on Friday and I was exhausted, so I took this Monster to our first official staff meeting. 

Here are some pictures of the library! I was finally able to get in this week. It is obviously a mess, but it gets better every day. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Floating, Painting & BINGO!

Carth & I both wore our "wild" tank tops to the river float on Saturday! 

Played several games of bingo on Saturday night at the Sweet Corn Festival. It is one of my favorite summer things in CR.

Cousins with grandma at Lake Ponderosa last weekend.

Had some fun at Canvas & Cupcakes on Friday night. We had an instructor that gave us a little painting lesson. It was really fun to see how everyone's turned out. 

Our table decided to show off our paintings. 

Here's my final product.

And this was just about everyone...around 50 people! It was fun to walk around and see what everyone created.